Friday, March 23, 2012

Drama for Your Mama

History should not be taken so seriously. It can be history that happened a thousand years ago or two minutes ago, it shouldn't matter. The past is only a thought. It's a remembrance of the events that occurred, and unfortunately most of the time our memories are so biased, judged, and labeled by our mind that the reality behind the past event or events is obscured and false. Nations and civilizations have been fighting for millennia because of their holding on to the past. But how do we know if the events in the past, which the history books tell us, is what really happened?

The past is like a dream. Many of us hardly remember all of the exact events and occurrences that occur in a dream, and when we wake up, we sometimes create our own storyline and version of the dream. Sometimes, in order to make the dream more exciting and dramatic, we might add a little more drama to it. Not only does drama dramatize events in our dreams but also events of our past.

History between nations can be and I am sure is dramatized so much that all of the exact and factual events are non-existent. Perhaps nations and empires have been fighting each other because they hold on to the unconsciously created drama that was never real in the first place.

This attachment to drama doesn't only occur to nations, however, it occurs to individuals as well. Many of us unconsciously hold on to this self-generated drama of the past and as with many soap operas, create events are exaggerated in order to keep the storyline interesting. A woman or man, for example, who got made fun of as a child might hold on to that drama into adulthood. The child might judge a simple moment of embarrassment into a dramatic and traumatic experience. Many of us do that with our past; we hold on to the dramatic past. It's insanity.

We should learn lessons from nature and observe how it lives life. An animal, that is an animal that hasn't been around and influenced by evil emanating humans, doesn't care about the past, nor the future for that matter. You can hit a dog for doing something bad, but give the dog a few minutes, and it will forget all about that incident. Nations, civilizations, and people should learn from nature.

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